
The Scream

You gotta check this out. What is our world coming to...? Really...? It's called "the SCREAM" and is a weapon used by the Israeli army to get crowds to disperse. This is some messed up stuff.

I can't help but to think of the Nazi's and all the terrible torture they put people through in order to understand the limits of the human body. It's insame quite literally.

I don't know, maybe I'm going too far here. It just pains me so much to see the evil and unrest in the world. This isn't for or against Israel, it's a state of the world at large. Sad.


Eric said...

I'm not so sure I understand your outrage, Bret... It seems to me that something like "The Scream" would be a favorable alternative to bullets or riots. I confess that I am forever the pragmatist, so maybe I'm missing something... But given my understanding of the human body's vestibular system (learned through association with my wife's field of specialty in physical therapy), the technology seems to be simply taking advantage of inherrent physical weaknesses -- in the same way that a bullet takes care of the inherrent weaknesses in the vascular system (causing someone to bleed to death). It is at any rate a very interesting field of ethics to consider...

LDubs said...

I agree with Eric, I am not sure why you are so bent out of shape by this.

Bret said...

It's a humanitarian issue. More to come.