
Are we allowed to live together...?

i have been discussing the recent U2 concert with some friends and fellow attendees, which has resulted in some intense conversations about bono and U2, but more interestingly about the idea of "coexist" in general. does God call us to coexist with men and women of other religions (as bono stated, we all come from abraham anyway) or does God call us to a different standard...? this is a huge question.

there are some out there calling bono a false prophet, nothing more than a famous musician abusing his power as a star to corrupt the minds of the millions in order to preach a message of peace and love that is unbiblical. i certainly don't know what U2 is actually trying to say, but i believe there is something for us to hear in the message of coexist; namely that all humans have the right to live without being degraded and disrespected. desmond tutu says it poetically:

"Humans are of infinite worth intrisically because they are created in God's image. Apartheid, injustice, oppression, and exploitation are not only wrong; they are positively blasphemous because they treat the children of God, as if they are less than His."

there is no way to believe in coexist, without believing in a personal, relational father who loves beyond human capacity even to understand such concepts as love. the human being can not exist without God and thusly cannot coexist without God. so, is bono preaching something unbiblical...? i suppose we can't know exactly what he is trying to say unless he tells us directly. he certainly is not my God. he is a man with a message.

if we look to those who have created the most amazing positive change in the past couple of centuries, it was those who fought evil with good. sure, some of them were generals who overtook nazi germany, and some were rebels who stood physically in the way of evil's path. yet, the most amazing change has been the result of love; a powerful, incredible, visionary love. some may call it pacifism. but, martin luther king jr, was no pacifist. corrie ten boom was no pacifist. desmond tutu was no pacifist. they were warriors for love. they would accept nothing less than equality for all people, so that everyone could experience the amazing grace that can only come from a god of forgiveness. there is no future without forgiveness and there is no coxist without Jesus.

1 comment:

Will said...

I have yet to hear about this coexist idea. However, just because someone comes in the name of love and grace, doesn't mean their message is the gospel. If we love others and never show them the relationship we have with Jesus and the Father, then we are a tainted light, drawing others to ourselves instead of reflecting God to them. The truth of our creation and existence is not that God made us for us, but He made us for Him. We are to reflect and bring glory to Him, not to ourselves, and when we mix our own agendas/messages with those things Christ stands for, then it can be deceiving.

If we are drawn near to a person for who they are, then woe to us as pagan worshipers. But if a person draws others to us them by showing glimpses of our God but then never allowing them to taste in the fullness of His love, then woe to that person who calls men unto himself. There is only one savior so why wouldn't we give Him credit for all the good things we do?

Matthew 19:17 "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good..."