
The Good Ol Days

Amsterdam to Chicago
Chicago to Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. to Northern Virginia
Northern Virginia to St. Augustine
St. Augustine to Charlotte
Charlotte to Highlands, N.C.
Highlands, N.C. to Columbus
Columbus to Indianapolis
Indianapolis to Chicago

It's a good thing that Asher is so easy going, cause if not, I'm afraid we would have been in for the worst three weeks of our lives. Instead, we have enjoyed a wonderful trip around the Eastern USA to see family and friends. I think we passed 54 Wal-Marts and 127 McDonalds on the journey and didn't stop at even one. It's still early in the game of course, but things are going great so far. The vacation has barely even to begin. We'll see in about a month if we feel the same way.

We miss Amsterdam though. The good cheese, the good beer, the good people. We miss most everything in some way or another. Still, the winds of change have blown and we will go where His breath blows.


Eric said...

It's great to see that you've resurfaced, Bret. I'm glad that your transition back into American life has been so smooth...

Will said...

When are your journeys going to lead you to south east Michigan?