Here is an excerpt from the final letter we sent to all of those people who supported us over the past few years in Amsterdam...
It was very difficult for us to leave Amsterdam, a city and culture we grew to love so much. Even more difficult were the emotions associated with saying ‘goodbye’ to our friends. The people we befriended from Zolder50, ultimate Frisbee, and the Cleft (the YWAM ministry Jayla served with in the Red Light District) provided us with a most amazing and loving community, a community deserving of those outlined in the second chapter of the book of Acts. The purpose, involvement and passion we shared with Zolder50 is something we will not easily find again. We sincerely hope that distance will not keep our hearts separated from those whom we deeply admire as friends.
We returned to the States on September 1 with over 600 pounds of luggage, including Leo, our beautiful Chesapeake Bay retriever. You should have seen us trying to navigate the airport! Before leaving we were honored with several special events at which our friends blessed us, prayed over us, celebrated with us and expressed many encouraging thoughts and words. It was a unique time. We have needed it in the weeks that have followed when we have doubted ourselves, doubted our purpose and doubted our path. We spent our first month visiting friends and family, showing Asher off to all those who had yet to meet him and getting used to living in “other people’s space”, which we are still doing after two months. Since being back we have visited Chicago, Washington D.C., St. Augustine, Charlotte, Columbus, Indianapolis, Des Moines, Fort Collins and now Denver. Asher has proved that he is a worthy and stout traveling companion. We have lived here in Colorado since Oct. 4, staying with Jayla’s mom, step dad and brother. Thankfully, Leo has made great friends with his cousin, Doc, a splendid little blue heeler mix.
Bret is looking for jobs and praying for direction. He recently went on a 3-day solo camping retreat to the southern Colorado Mountains further seeking our course and inspiration. After discovering the answers to all the world’s problems, he returned with a renewed spirit and a renewed sense of mission – Jesus. He was clearly reminded of our vision for our marriage – follow Jesus and raise a healthy and strong family. In faith, we will continue living here just north of Denver until we find our path. Then we will commit to looking for our own home and own space.
As for culture shock, it has been difficult to identify thus far. Of course, there are a million little differences between the Netherlands and the States and we find ourselves constantly comparing them – pros and cons, things we miss (riding bikes everywhere and did we mention the cheese?!), things we dislike here (chain restaurants, superstores, big cars), things to adjust to and figure out. Mostly, we miss our life there – our friends, our church, our apartment, the way we would spend our days riding along beautiful canals on creaky bicycles with our friends musing over the days happenings. Life seemed slower there.
We are excited about the mountains, the fantastic sunsets and the weather, as the warm Colorado sunshine is a welcome treat after a mostly cool Dutch summer. Living here during the autumn season is also brilliant. The harvest traditions of everything pumpkin, apple cider, Halloween… these are things we missed while living in Holland. Also the beauty of the leaves turning – it is a glorious metaphor for change and renewal. It seems something has to die in order for new life to begin again. We have been completely blessed by the hospitality of our families, making adjustments to accommodate Asher, Leo and us. Last week Bret picked up our shipment, all 52 boxes, and moved it to Jayla’s sisters garage. Thanks to Tara and Kerry.
We are excited about the possibilities of what lies ahead, trying to remain patient and hoping it doesn’t take too long. If we haven’t seen you yet, we hope to soon! Please know how much we appreciate you and love you. You gave generously on our behalf so we could be part of an awesome church in a little attic in the heart of Amsterdam!