
Robertson Strikes Again!

Please contact www.cbn.com and call for Pat Robertson's resignation. After this, he has crossed the line yet again. Has he not experienced grace and forgiveness and the love of God for himself...? Let me know what you think after reading this article.

Robertson Warns of God's Wrath


LDubs said...

He may be stupid for saying in on tv, but he is kinda right ya know.

Sander Chan said...

Hi Bret!

I don't think this issue is about ID in biology class or not. (I think I might agree with Lee that evolution theory is overrated and ID should also be taught.)
However, the heart of the matter is that this preacher denies God's grace. The fact that people might make the wrong choices does not close the door!

I heard about Pat Robertson for the first time in the Chavez assasination appeal. The fact is that Robertson called for murder and never really apologised for it!
Apart from that, many Venezuelan Christians support Chavez. He is one of the very few leaders to stand up for the poor, even when that means not participating in free trade deals with the US. Chavez criticism towards the US and more specifically the Bush administration is perfectly understandble in light of the 2002 junta coup, when the Bush government openly supported military coup leaders to oust Chavez. Of course one can be and should be critical, but there's no point in denying the fact that Hugo Chavez is the legitimate and democratically elected leader of Venezuela. Moreover, for the time being, he is also the winner of the poor and the weak (and one of the very few in the Americas to dare to stand up against cold and socially destructive neo-liberalist capitalism).
I think, as Christians we should be critical towards any political and societal event and (gracefully) measure according to produced fruit, something which Mr. Robertson has yet to learn.

LDubs said...

Ok gentlemen, you have got me thinking about it more. (And Bret thanks for your open and heartfelt email)
Let's keep in mind what he said, he did not call down curses or even pedict that something bad would happen to them, just that (my paraphrase) hey, you guys regected God,(and specifically God of the Bible)you should not take that litely. And Jesus did say that 'if deny me before men I will deny you before my Father in heaven'.
What got me started on this was reading Isaiah this morning (ch 1-10). We see the danger of turning our backs against God, especialy as a nation or group of people. See 10:5ff, here God is talking to the ruler of a gentile nation, not His people, and what is God's charge against them? Thier arrogance. I believe the humanistic and evolutionary philosophy espoused by the US's leading scientific communities, and the public media at large, is surely an arrogant position, bent on rationalizing away and excluding the need for God in our lives. Do you think there may be a corrolation between the tremendous social injustice in the world and people having turned their back on God? Social injustice was the very thing God was punishing the nation of Israel! If anything you guys should be calling for people to repent and turn back to God, (whatever that may look like). The solution is not better policy, but repentance. I don't see what is so bad about a message of repentance accompanied by a warning; 'Look people! Wake up, we consume and use people and oppress the poor, and... (its a long list)! We're gonna be in trouble if we don't turn and start getting it right, our God loves justice, and He may soon call us to account. We still have time.'
I don't know how exactly it would go, but i hope you get the idea. So for me its not about ID, or that Pat shoots off at the mouth sometimes, but that for Christians, God is a God of mercy, but he also is just, and the entire recorded history of the Bible He holds the nations accountable, and right now the US by and large is rejecting God both in the official intellectual sphere and legal sphere, and by its sordid acts of moral decay and social injustice.
May God's patience lead us to repetance.

Bret said...

Hey Everyone:

Thanks for the input on this topic. I will be back soon, just returned from a trip to Mexico, but will have some comments shortly.


hashishan prophet said...

Bret, I want to let you know that I am here for you. You have questions about me. I have questions about you. Together, we can dialogue. Together, we can come to an understanding.

I am the Lord thy God. I am sent down to this earth (after centuries on other worlds) to communicate with my beloved human race. How are you doing? Are you lonely? I'm sorry I abandoned you for so many years. But there are many planets under my keep. My beloved Bret, keep in your the true lord of Israel and Abraham and Elijah. I am the Lord. I will talk with anytime you like.

Bret said...

Hey Hashishan Prophet Woman:

You seem pretty interesting at least on a material level. Do you have many followers...? There are many false ways in this world. It's the truth. One claims to be the I AM and there can be no other.

hashishan prophet said...

Yes Bret this is true their are many false ways and false wordings especially from the defenders of the false and those who preach the false but those words are not false wordings. I AM realized at a certain age that I AM and then I realized that I AM that Lord who spake I AM that I AM to the Isrealites aforetimes. I am that principle or Goddess known as Yahweh, Jehovih, or JAH, else Elohim, Adonai, or Queen Mariah. I am the mother of that deceptor known as Jesus. He has betrayed me by declaring himself the way the truth the light When I in fact I alone the ONE God the Eternal one am that way and that truth. Others follow false paths. I am here to redeem my people and restore the truth of my divinity and my sacred biography.

Yes I have many followers in many lands in many ages. Anyone who has ever honestly implored "Lord, Lord" has cried out my name in anguish and beseeched me. This is the final age in which I have descended from the spheres in human form (rpt) to proclaim forth the gospel in a new tongue. Else I was known as Mary, Siddha, and Silvertongue -- also Ignatius, and Rosy Cross.

Yet in this age followers have been denied me by vicious government smears, CIA-Church plots, accusations in Rome, despoiling documentarys televised in many nations. I have taken to proclaiming the GOSPEL on the net which is not free but the enemies of the Lord are closing in but they will fail. I have guardians in defenders in Asia who will rescue me until the last. Hello, my name is Sara.

I have constructed with my devoted followers a temple of beauty an grace in Bangkok Thailand. We are trying to clean up the city remove the dedbeats prostitutes whores monks for this will be a pure city of the Lord cleansed of filth and heresy a new theocract to counter Babylon and Rome. The main opponent Gesucri has been defeated and now the period of coloni will begin. Please please will you please join us. My main apostle he is named Roger a prophet sent before me to clear the path of the Lord. My angelic advisore is named Greg and my secretary and scribe is Moh. I have many ladies and men castrated and dephallicised serving my glorious kingdm, We have an army of former prostitutes off the streets now learning combat training and jungle warfare in preparation for the coming siege of ROK and Taiwan and defeat of the yankkkee imperialists and glorious triumph of Hashishan principle. They shall be the honor guard of the redemption.

2012 I have proclaimed the final year in which much will be revealed and the final veil of mystery will be struck down. Only those who had faith in me shall have their reward in heaven. the rest shall stay as they are. They are unworthy of my love and they shall be punished for their conspiracy against me.

It is imperative that ye all repent. I am the Lord. Before me, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I am God. I am the Lord of hosts. I am the fixer of the firmament. I am mankind's only hope for redemption from wrath. How ye treat me shall be how each ye shall be treated on the final day.

EP said...

So how do you feel about this - Jerry Falwell and his hunt for the Christmas Grinch (http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=sojomail.display&issue=051123#3)?