
sunshine on a cloudy day

each morning i wake to the sweet sounds of my baby's voice. it is a soothing and wonderful symphony of coos and oos and awes and squeaks and gaggles. i love it. i love walking into the sunshine and lifting him above my head and kissing his belly. even on the cloudiest day, he is a sunshine in my life.

i wonder if that's what the Creator thinks when a new life is changed, a new life is given to him. am i sunshine to him...? i wonder. i'd like to think so, though i'm not always sure.

still, there are time when i remember his love and could not have been more real last saturday afternoon when an thuderstorm rolled through the plains of colorado, as they so often do. two beautiful rainbows presented themselves in their glorious spendor right before my eyes. astounded, i practically had to pinch myself at how the colors popped against the gray sky behind.

then i remembered the covenant, God's covenant with man. he will never forsake us or leave us. he will lift us up in the morning with sunshine sparkling in his eyes.

thank goodness.

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