
whose image...

I was reading the book Holiness, by Henry Blackaby the other day and something struck me. hit me. nailed me. the book itself is good, small but good. nothing spectacular.

But anyway, the idea of image is so powerful. God made man in his own image. not the other way around. the image is His. i am His image. you are His image. we are His image. not the other way around.

so often i make it the other way around. I fit Him into my image. I make Him in my own image. He should be like this. He should act like that. But my image is faulty. My image is imperfect. My image doesn't work. It's funny. Sometimes I wonder why my image fails. The answer is clear. Because it's mine.

The more I try to fit him into my idea of what he should be the worse it gets. I fail. I get turned around. I lose sight of what's important. I fall. I forget. I am lame and incapable of love, slow and lacking grace. I am not such a great image after all. I'm sure glad God is not made in my image, but the other way around.

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