
the desert

I went to Scottsdale, AZ last weekend to play some golf with buddies. I went to the desert. Physically, I'd never been there before. Spiritually I had.

The desert was beautiful and awesome and scary and crazy all at the same time. I loved it in many ways. Then I started thinking about how much I would love it if I was there for 40 days and 40 nights much less 40 years. It's dry and hot and there are lizards and snakes.

As I thought about it more and more, I realized I'm in awe of the desert and also very scared of the desert. It seems like such a lonely place.

I suppose the good part of being in the desert is that you have no place to turn but to the Lord Almighty. He will provide provision for you.

1 comment:

Todd said...

let's move to the desert together. You and Jayla, Lindy and me, our kids. We can home school. Cook lizards. Hear God speak to us through a burning bush. No really. I would like to be in the desert with you Bret. Sitting under the stars. Talking. Thinking. And occassionally farting. I miss you Bret.