
Remembering Leo

Me with Leo on his last day
Originally uploaded by Photo Doocker.
This morning started out like many mornings in our house. I took care of the normal morning routine - you know - brush teeth, shower, put on clothes, read, study, write, change Asher, etc... Then as I took Asher down stairs, bopping down so he would laugh as usual, a sadness came upon me.

Like usual, Asher was yelling "Eeo, Eeo" (his form of Leo). At the last stair I put him down and he ran for the corner where Leo used to lay, just around the wall from the kitchen. As Asher got to the corner he stopped, mystified by the emptiness that was before him. I thought for a moment he would cry. Instead, he went off to play with his toys as any normal 20 month old boy would do. I guess he's too young to know what has happened.

I shed a quick tear and move on to getting breakfast started, when again, I hear "Eeo, Eeo, Eeo" and turn around to see Asher pointing at Leo's photo album. It was so sweet. Jayla and I went into the family room and talked with Asher about Leo and how he is now gone. Of course, Asher just wanted to play. I guess he's just too young.

Me though. I'm not too young. I miss Leo. I miss going downstairs and hearing his rock hard tail thumping off the wall as he eagerly awaits his breakfast. I miss his beautiful eyes looking up at me waiting for some morning love. I miss his huge snout and his big feet and his amazing curly coat. He is gone physically, but Jayla and I still feel him in a very real way. Sweet boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey bret and jayla,

jackie and i were so saddened to hear of leo's passing . . . the news brought tears to our eyes as well, along with the heartfelt words of your e-mail and blog entries. we wish we could be there to give you all big hugs, to share with you in the reminiscing and flipping through of leo's picture album. though our spent time with him was brief, we will remember him fondly . . . and our thoughts and prayers will remain, as they always do, with you. we'll certainly be in touch soon . . .

love always,
matt and jackie