
which path to follow...

Cameron Trail
Originally uploaded by Photo Doocker.
Working at a public school is very difficult for me right now. I just found out that our philosphy class is teaching that ethics and morals codes definitely DO NOT come from the Triune God or any god for that matter. INstead they are the result of human thinking and teaching.
I don't have a problem with teaching different angles, different sides of a story, but to teach one way as wrong is inappropriate and annoying.
What do you think...?

1 comment:

EP said...


I would tend to agree. I think the worst thing about teaching people, "this is the way it is, period," it creates close-minded people. At the very least, it's important to present the alternative ways of thinking or other belief systems, at least for discussion purposes.

By presenting the other ways of thinking and believing, it teaches students of all ages how to think critically and make decisions for themselves.

Even when teaching Biblical truth, I think it's important for the teacher to lay out this is how I interpret, or how I understand it, but it's not the only way to understand it. By doing that, it helps people learn that other people may be correct and still considered follower's of Christ.

Because, while there are a few things that are not open to discussion in Christianity, such as whether or not Jesus really existed. The answer is yes and if you don't believe it, quite simply you're not a Christian. I'm not judging anyone by saying that... it's just the way it is.

Anyway... that's my 25 cents!
