
a brutal world...

I was reading in Jeremiah 22 yesterday, which tells of God's punishment to those who do not follow his commands, about those who use injustice for personal greatness, about those who oppress in order for gain. It's a compelling and convicting section of the Holy Scripture, a warning to be heeded. I realize that in my own ways, I am so full of oppression and injustice and unfairness. I'm certainly not perfect.

However, then I read about some of things happening in our world, and it makes me sick. Read this article I found on CNN about the horrible atrocities being committed in Congo at present. It's nearly unbelievable...talk about injustice and oppression. This is sick.

Rapes, brutality ignored to aid Congo Peace

What I find nearly as challenging and heartbreaking is that the Congolese President didn't even know it was happening, or at least claims he didn't. If the President of a country is not informed, how can the rest of the world understand...? Here is the link that article: Congo president on military rapes - "unforgiveable"

I suppose I only find solace knowing God has it covered. He reigns over all things and one day will judge all of us. I hope I can give account for all I've done under His watchful eyes. Some won't.

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