
its definitely about the stats... and the love

in my friend Todd's blog, he recently made a post called It's All About the Stats, in which he shows some alarming stats about the world from a photo exhibit called 365 Days: The Earth from Above, by Yann Arthus Bertrand. Check it out to see such amazing stats about our world, our global culture and humanity itself. It's amazing.

When I saw this exhibit a few years ago, I too was moved not only by this man's wonderful photographs, but by the statistics behind each photo. With the help of OXFAM and various other organizations, Yann was able to put real stories behind each photo. Stories that don't just show the beauty of the land but also what humanity has done to destroy it. I think his work is magnificent not only because of the art, but because of the message.

I too wonder how I can impact people through a message way beyond myself, my art, my thoughts or my action. But instead, to iimpact people with broad strokes of the brush - to get them thinking and moving and caring and loving. How can I do it...?

1 comment:

Rosco said...

I've been away from reading blogs for awhile. Your recent posts have been excellent. You are always thinking and trying to grow as a person. I admire your thoughts!