
what is influential mean...?

I found this link (more like stole this link) from my friend Dave's blog. Dave is the pastor at a great church in Naperville called CCC, or better described as the big yellow box. Better yet, Dave is helping to lead a revolution in organic multi site churches - check it out here. Still, I wonder about what it means to be influential...?

The 50 Most Influential Churches in America

Merriam Webster defines influential as to exert influence. And influence is desribed as 1 : to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means : SWAY
2 : to have an effect on the condition or development of : MODIFY.

Anyway, I suppose I'm just thinking about what it means to influence people. Is it about a particular church or particular pastor influencing it's congregation...? Or rather, shouldn't be the church/ pastors job to act as a gateway or impetus to allow Christ's influence...? It's a subtle difference but a significant one nonetheless.

What do you think about the churches of influence...? and what about the subtle difference between being the agent of change or being something that directs a congration to THE agent of change...?

1 comment:

Drew said...

Wow, isn't it telling merely in the way the 50 churches are presented. They are each presented as a man, and note, it's not Jesus.

My preaching professor in Seminary (Tim Brown) was part one of the top ten fastest growing churches in the 90's. He was part of this study on the top 10 (including Willow creek). The research people said they could explain 8 of the 10 churches, including his. He knew at that point that the whole thing was built around him. So he left. The church goes on and is less known for him, and more known for influence for Christ.

needless to say, I've got a lot of respect for that.