

time keeps slipping away
a rare entity
it's all we have in common

can't have more
can't take less
everyone has the same

what will you do with yours?
make a boat
sail the seas
make a friend
walk through trees
what will you see
through the sands of time

it's slipping away you know
you can't have it back
time holds for no one

captured in a bunch of moments
memories lapsing
time waits for nothing

goes quickly in good time
slowly in bad
what a weird aspect of time

what will you do with your time
some use it for evil
and others for good

it will make you happy
sadness though is a greater friend
lonliness the best

a final word
a last tear
an empty word

all find solace
moments of silence
tick tick tick

no friend sees your time
like you see it
no time like your friend

an enemy sucking life
from your world
what time is it anyway?

make the most of it
three years
so many miracles

crowds, followers, kings
time held still
then it swooped and killed

but time could not stop
what was meant to be
what will you do with your time...?

***coincidentally, these pictures above are of my friend Steve taken in the fall of 2002 in Amsterdam. Sometimes I wonder what time has done to Steve. Steve, what do you think of time...?

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