
the yoke

DSST Angles3
DSST Angles3,
originally uploaded by Photo Doocker.
Much like I've been impressed with Shane Claiborne and the Irresistible Revolution, I'm similarly impressed with Rob Bell's book, Velvet Elvis.






Bell has a fresh perspective on how we perceive the world especially in relation to our views of God and Christianity and Doctrine. I suppose I connect with it because I've said so many things in my life that just don't make sense.

"Just teach the Bible."

"How can there be just one way?"

"It's just so confusing that Jonah was swallowed by a fish."

"Are you saying the curtains actually ripped?"

These are things I think. And it's OK. We have to pursue understanding from different angles, from different viewpoints. We are not the same because each of our stories is unique with a unique set of memories, experiences and beliefs about who we are. As soon as presume to think we are the same we allow judgement to enter the equation.

And just imagine, God knows this is going to happen. He wired us to be unrobotic. That's cool.

I especially see this at the Denver School of Science and Technology. We have white kids, black kids, hispanic kids, asian kids, poor kids rich kids, some kids who are further along than others, some who are further behind. I walk around school every day and see just how important all the angles are. As soon as I look from one angle and think I have it figured out, I look from another and am humbled. The angles matter.

The same is true with our faith and our communities. We have been designed with certain similarities such as the desire for belonging and love and competency and community. These are part of who we are. But we see them in different ways from different angles.

I like those angles.

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