
125 of 184

I won't go off too much about this, but it bugs me that during a time of surging oil prices that ultimately hurt the economically challenged consumer, that during a war in Iraq (in which over 2250 US soldiers have died and many, many more others) that must be at least somewhat based on oil, and that during a time of increased pressure for drilling in the ANWR, we have publicly traded oil companies like Exxon-Mobile posting record profits. And when you speak of profits of $10.8 Billion, we aren't talking revenue, we're talking net profit. Profit! Something is wrong.

Think about this. Exxon's gross profit for the year ($36.4 Billion) would rank it as having a better economy than 125 of the 184 countries tracked by the World Bank. Or, if you check out this article, look at the number of oil companies in the top 100 economy list by GDP. Exxon is not a country last time I checked, though it is based in Texas.

I suppose my solice is that high oil prices are making consumers think more before purchasing gas guzzling SUV's and trucks. The demand for hybrid cars is skyrocketing among other eco friendly choices consumers are making. One day, maybe one day, we will find a better way.

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