
brightness in the woods

So, I was reading Total Truth last night by Nancy Pearcey. I was astounded yet again by the idea of two things:

1) There is a Total Truth. As much as the society in which we live fights against such a notion, it is there and it is real. It is Christ. He was born of a virgin named Mary, conceived by God as his only son. He lived a righteous life unincumbered by the death of sin. He related to us in mind, body and spirit. He was beaten, tortured and whipped because he spoke and lived the Truth. He died. But, he rose again to wipe away every tear from the eye of the human race. Sin cannot and no longer will overcome. Jesus has.

2) As a Christians we are called not only to stand out against the backdrop of culture in which we live and grow, but also to dramatically change the worldview in which our society sees. It is not just about the individual affecting change; it is about the community of believers putting on a different set of glassed through which to see. The glasses are tinted with grace, hope and love, all of which come from the glory of Christ.

This is some great stuff.

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