
the chains of greed

I know what I should do, but I do not do it. I know what I do not want to do and I do it anyway. I relate to Paul. Sin is contagious and infectious. It takes small cracks and little fissures and makes them into grand canyons and gaping crevasses. One such instance is greed.

Greed chains us to ourselves. Greed ties us unto ourselves which in the end is just selfish misery. I struggle against it everyday in the United States. It's weird you know.

When living in Amsterdam, I feel like I struggled very little against greed and coveting. Ok, well, I did. But, it's not like here. It seems everyone has a nicer car and nicer house and nicer bike, etc... and if only I had those things I'd be happier.

Of course, I know that's not true. But I want those things anyway. I want a Porshe Cayenne Turbo and a 3500 sq. ft. house and top of the line Trek. I want bigger, faster and more expensive. It's in my nature and it's something I fight against each and every day.

I'm reminded though of the great ancient philosopher, Jesus - who said you cannot worship both God and money. It's true. When focused on the desires of this world, I cannot possibly be freed to focus on the desires of my true heart, of love and grace and hope. These are only through Christ and Christ alone. It's better that way.

1 comment:

J.R. Woodward said...

Thanks for sharing your heart and struggle. I'm with you man. Sometimes LA is the epitome of hip for things.