
Changed by children

Jayla and I were riding home from Fort Collins last night talking about our dreams and desires. What are the needs in the world that drive us emotionally...? What are our dreams to fulfill those needs...? What resources do we need to help...? How can we help...?

One thing became very clear to me... we are both concerned and moved and affected and challenged by the children of the world. We see so many needs - education, water, extreme poverty, sickness, AIDS... the list goes on. Since having Asher and now another baby on the way, we have both become hyper sensitive to the needs of children in our world.

And I think of the UN's Declaration of Human Rights and I think of the massive abouts of child abuse every day... children are abused in almost any and every possible way, imaginable and unimaginable, intentionally and unintentionally.

They are sold as sex slaves

They are traded for food.

They are used as human shields.

They are forced into labor.

They are brainwashed to fight in militias and gangs.

Something must be done. How...? How...? How...? How will Jayla and I get involved. This is yet to be seen, but we know it starts in our own hearts and own home. It starts with how we raise our own children and how we honor God in doing so. We will follow Him, for he tells us in James 1:27 that "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

And then I read this article on CNN today about Child Soldiers, it's worth the read. And I read about how almost 1000 children die every hour from hunger related issues. And I read about how 9 year old girls can make thousands of dollars a month as sex slaves in Thailand. And I read about how children are kidnapped and caged and starved in my own backyard.

Our children. Why do we do what we do to our children...? My heart breaks every time. What will we do to make a change...? How will we help...? How will we remain unstained...? The answers will come.

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