
Modern Day Slaves

I'm not sure how it worked out in the way it did, but two things (maybe three) came together this weekend in an unplanned manner. First, I read this amazing article in a National Geographic back issue called "21st Century Slaves." Then Jayla rented the movie, Memoirs of a Geisha, based on the novel with the same title. On top of that, I've been moved over the past few years in a very intense way to try and better understand the reality of modern day slaves in our world.

It's not hype.

It's not fiction.

It's not Hollywood.

It's not just Africa.

Child slaves. Class slaves. Race slaves. Slaves take many shapes, many sizes and many trades. Some are sold into it by their parents. Some are born into it through an accident of latitude and longitude. Some are just unlucky. Some work for the Gap and some for Nike. Some make semi-conductors and some make jeans. Some are used for sexual pleasure and some for picking grain.

Each one of them has a name.

A face.

A smile.

A heart.

A soul.

All are the result of humanity's brokenness. All are the result of one man/woman believing that he/she is inherantly more valuable than another. All are the result of a wacky and twisted world created and maintained by the powerful, by the rich, by the lucky.

And all are children of the Creator, who says, "the least among you will be greatest", "the first shall be last the last shall be first." He has made them. He has made them in His image.

What role do I play in it...?

What role do I serve to continue the madness...?

What can I do about it...?

I must and will take a stand.

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