
Global Warming and God

Stop Global Warming

I was reading this article on Global Warming, which started like this...

New alarms are rung on perils of global warming
The Associated Press
Published: February 27, 2007

UNITED NATIONS, New York: To head off the worst of climate change, governments must pour tens of billions of dollars more than they are into clean- energy research and enforce sharp rollbacks in fossil-fuel emissions, a scientific panel reported to the United Nations on Tuesday.

The United Nations itself must better prepare to help tens of millions of "environmental refugees," the panel said, and the authorities everywhere should discourage new building on land less than one meter, or 39 inches, above sea level.

The 166-page report, two years in the making, forecasts a turbulent 21st century of rising seas, spreading drought and disease, weather extremes, and damage to farming, forests, fisheries and other economic areas.

"The challenge of halting climate change is one to which civilization must rise," said the panel of 18 scientists from 11 nations...

I've been following Global Warming, much like many others, over the months and can't help but to think it's important. Very important. It is a problem to which "civilization must rise up" as the article says. Rise up.

I don't have a lot of conclusions just yet, but I'm quite certain that God created the Earth and put Man in charge of taking care of the Earth. Somehow, when we destroy the Earth through industry and complacency and apathy, we are hurting God. I've come across a new thing I hadn't thought of before as well - how does Global Warming affect or will it affect Global Hunger...? I know Bono is doing some work in this area and so are others, but again, I don't know enough about it yet.

Think about it though, if creation is groaning (see Romans 8:22) both inwardly and outwardly for redemption, there must be some part of that which means we have to RISE UP. More on this later.

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